I’m embarrassed I did not make the connection sooner. You are Samba. The traitor of Mathura. You wished to reveal this to me because you know I am suspicious of your loyalties, and you believe this will lead me to trust you more.
Not precisely. I wished to reveal to you my reasons for opposing you in your rise to power. You were interfering in my own plans for the Sanskritization of Magadha. You think the Sanskritization of Magadha, unified India wouldn’t have happened without you? Without Chandragupta? They were in of my plans.
You spent forty years in government, and had nothing to show for it. I achieved in 10 years a goal that you were utterly unable to make any progress towards in 40 years. What do you have to show for it, besides sacrificing vast populations to please the Nandas?
I made arrangements for all the other Shurasena dynasties, etc. What about the non-royals? You think you could have achieved what you did without me? How do you think Gandhara managed to stay independent? You believe it’s because of Gandhara’s policy of neutrality? When Mahapadma wished to expand into Gandhara I had him assassinated, because I didn’t want the lone remaining home of civilization to be destroyed. You have achieved great things, indeed.
Chanakya: I wish you and I could be friends. And not in your perverted sense. Friends are supposed to be people you trust. My perverted sense? You trust your friends, but they can’t trust you. To you, friends are food. At least I am upfront about my manipulation. … If you and I are so alike though, that means we cannot trust each other.
What will you do? You not commit the sin of Brahmahatya. The maximum punishment I prescribe for a Brahmin is to cut off the right hand. I will not insult you by pretending that will deter you in any of your goals. Guards, take him to Rajagriha. Imprison him in the highest-security cell of Ajatashatru’s dungeon. He will be adequately nourished and be provided basic comforts, he will not be subject to any torture. Most importantly, he will be permitted as many blank palm-leaves upon his request as is reasonable, and will be permitted to privately transmit and receive messages on such manuscripts without restriction.